Childproofing Your Home: A handy guide

Bringing a child home for the first time is a wonderful milestone and a moment you will never forget. Before long, your baby will be crawling and exploring all the nooks and crannies of your home. Whether they are 10 days old or 10 years old, protecting a child is a parent's highest priority. To avoid any accidents you should childproof your home, ideally before you bring them home from the hospital. Check out some of these tips on how to make you home safe for your baby!

The Danger Zones 
There are several main locations that you should pay extra attention to while babyproofing.
  • The Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Living room
  • Laundry room
The Kitchen
  • Secure any knives or sharp objects
  • Put locks on all cabinets or drawers
    • Make sure any chemicals are locked away
      • soap, bleach, all purpose cleaner, ect.
    • Put any garbage bags or Ziplocs out of reach  
      • Cling wrap, wax paper and tin foil should also be secure
  • If you are drinking alcohol, make sure you clean the class as soon as you are finished
  • Glass wear and china should be stored on higher shelves where they cannot be easily reached
  • Any electrical appliances should be moved away from the edge of the counter and the cords tucked away
  • Put everything away when you are finished using it
  • Turn off the sink, stove, oven when you are done cooking.

The Bathroom
  • Invest in a toilet lid lock
    • Not old will this protect your child from the toilet but it will also protect your toilet from your child
      • Toddlers and children are notorious for throwing things down the toilet or trying to flush miscellaneous objects
  • Turn off any electrically object when done
    • curling irons, straighteners, hairdryers and electric razors can all be dangerous if your toddler gets ahold of them.
  • Lock up all medicines, vitamins, cleaning chemicals, cosmetics or person hygiene products

The Living Room
  • Put corner guards on the corners of all tables, countertops and any other sharp edges
  • Invest in electrical outlet covers
  • Make sure all furniture is secure to prevent falling
  • Don't leave small objects laying around since they can be a chocking hazard
  • Keep doors shut or locked, if possible
  • Gate off areas you do not want your baby wandering.
    • Gating off the stairs is a must! 
  • Made sure all cords from blinds aren't looped

The Laundry Room
  • Lock any door leading to the laundry room 
  • Make sure all cleaning products are secured away
  • Put away irons when you are finished using them
  • Don't run your dryer when you are asleep or out of your home
    • Additionally, clean the lint traps after each use, this is a common way that house fires start
  • Don't let your child breathe in any chemicals while you are cleaning
  • Secure your washing and drying machines against the wall or in place so it doesn't move when being used
  • Install safety locks on the washing/drying machine lids
  • Store any weapons in a safe location
    • If you own a firearm, store the firearm and the bullets separately
  • Do not keep standing water around
    • This can be a drowning hazard
  • Install smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide deters around your home
  • Search the internet for specialty baby proofing items!
    • This is a great website to reference
