Smart School Tips for Parents

It's that time of year again; back to school. Stores have sales galore and students attend orientation. Going back to school is usually nerve racking for many students. Whether your child is a first grader or a freshman, these tips will help them stay cool in school!

Elementary Students 

  • Establish a routine for your students in the weeks leading up to the start of the new school year. This means establishing a set bedtime, mealtimes, and morning routines. 
    • TIP: Start having your children eat lunch the same time they will at school. 
  • For many younger students, the first day of school can cause anxiety. Many times these anxious feelings can be eased by taking your children on a tour of their school. Many schools have days set aside where students can go meet their teachers and see their classrooms. This will help your child feel more comfortable and confident when the first day roles around. 
    • TIP: Have your children meet other staff members besides just their teacher. Principals, aides, and secretaries are good examples of staff members children should meet. 
  • Believe it or not, parents are also part of the learning process! Stay involved in your child's education by attending PTO meetings, volunteering in the classroom, and staying in contact with your student's teacher. 
    • TIP: Creating an at home learning schedule can help students excel in the classroom! Setting aside 15 minutes to read each day or homework time for older students is a great way to stay involved and engaged in your child's learning!
For more great tips on helping Elementary aged children click here

Middle School Students 

  • Middle school can be a hard time in a young teens life. One of the best tips you can give your child is to avoid gossip and drama. Gossiping may seem fun for a child at first, but remind them it usually only creates enemies and hurt feelings. Although it may seem like a hard thing to do, your child can help stop rumors by not spreading them. 
    • TIP: Remind your children how they would feel if the rumor was about them! 
  • Many middle school aged teens worry about making friends. A great way to not only make friends, but to also get involved is to join clubs! Schools usually offer a variety of different clubs and organizations for students. Tell your students to join clubs that are appealing and interesting to them. If there are no clubs that seem to interest your child, tell them to start their own! Some common examples of clubs are, bible study, environmental, robotics, yearbook, and theater. 
    • TIP: Sports also fall under this category! Middle school is a great time for children to try new sports that may interest them. Encourage your children to try something new! 
  • As children enter middle school they may find themselves in some pretty tricky classes. Remind your children that it is very important to pay attention in class. This means not listening to music or sleeping while the teacher is talking. Answering questions or participating in group discussions/readings will also help. Remember, most middle school classes only last about an hour. Remind your student that if they can stay awake and alert during a long movie, they can do the same in class! 
    • TIP: Teenagers need routines too! Making sure your children don't go to bed late is a good way to ensure that they will be staying awake during class! 
For many more helpful tips click here!  

High School Students 

  • Staying organized is the key to success in high school! Encourage your student to get a planner to help keep track of assignments and tests. Many students also use color coordinated notebooks, binders, and folders for each class. Let your student experiment with different organizational techniques until they find which one works best for them! 
    • TIP: Set a good example when it comes to staying organized for your student! 
  • Many teenagers start dating in high school. While this isn't always a bad thing, it is important to set rules and boundaries for your student. Perhaps the biggest mistake high school students make while dating is devoting too much time to their significant other. Make sure your student knows that while it's important to spend time with their boyfriend/girlfriend, it is also important to spend time with their group of friends.
    • TIP: Relationships can get very complicated in high school. At times it will be important to remind your child that high school is only a small portion of their lives. Encouraging your teen to stay positive and have fun at school is always a good idea! 
  • As odd as it may sound, high school plays a major role in determining the rest of your child's life! College's look at things like GPA, volunteer hours, club involvement, and of course your student's ACT/SAT score. While it is not okay to stress your child out, it is important to remind your child how important these things really are! 
    • TIP: Show your student that you care about their grades. Like in elementary school, stay involved with your teens education. Encourage them to study for the ACT/SAT, apply to National Honor Society, and volunteer at the local soup kitchen. 
For more information on going to high school click here

What tips do you have for parents sending students back to school? Leave a comment with your advice! Make sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterest, and Google+ for more tips and to stay up to date! 

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Blog Published by Sarah Sopocy 
Social Media Marketing Director 
Greg White Farmers Insurance Agency
120 Detroit St. Lansing, MI

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